Monday, November 11, 2013

New dates

So back to the drawing board, or should I say Sex Pool?

He was so great in so many ways especially the length of time he could hold back.

Yea!  I really miss the thickness & length.  He was nice and tall. Over 6 ft. which was really great.

Now just seems like short men legion is interested.  

So I met of course on-line a man from Ghana.  I could tell by the phone conversation he was very insecure.  He flew up to see me.  Ah he was short not the promised 5'10"  and not a 10 inch dick either.  More like 8.   It can get weird with a tiny body man.  Almost like being with a kid.  WHICH I have to concentrate and keep looking at his face to know hes over 30.  So I don't get ill.

So now back to using the regular pool.  I was hit up by a handsome tall black man, Only know from the photo.  So we had a great initial conversation. He really enjoyed my sexual language.
Boom hes stalking my text messages.  How crazy is that?

From Love to Almost Hate

So we know a Leopard cannot change it spots!  When He tries Its So Obvious!

So What did I do when I noticed the intended spot shifting?  I went right back to the place I found him at. I made a new ad, one he could not resist, He hit my fictious ad.  I took him for a very short ride.  Since he would not send his photo I had no doubt it was him.  
I said nothing then I waited, and waited then when he thought I would see him. 

 Bingo a pie right to the groin!!!